BSCF normally introduces an issue or theme at every Vaisakhi event. This time it was the benefits of values based education. There are thirteen Sikh schools in United Kingdom based on Sikh ethos or values. They are all doing well and are proud of their approach. This was stated by the Secretary of State, Rt Hon Michael Gove MP.
The Vaisakhi function was started by wonderful Kirtan from the children of Punjabi and Gurmat Academy of Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Southall. They sang inspiring kirtan.
Speakers at the event were introduced by the Rt Hon Patrick McFadden. There were a number of remarkable speakers.
The Speaker of the House, Rt Hon Sir Lindsay Hoyle MP welcomed everyone and praised the enterprising spirit of the Sikhs.
The Rt Hon Michael Gove MP, Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Communities and Local Government gave a resounding speech praising the values based education in Sikh Schools. He even named most of them.
The Rt Hon David Lammy MP, Shadow Foreign Secretary spoke passionately about the contribution of Sikhs in United Kingdom.
Dr Sadhu Singh made a reference to the report on Faith communities which, he said, had created more problems than solved.
Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh ji explained about Vaisakhi and also the benefits of value based education which was ensured in every Sikh School in United Kingdom.
There were a number of speakers. Their eloquent contributions can be heard in the video.
There were representatives from nearly 90 Sikh and non Sikh organisations. Samosas, Pakores and tea were provided by the Panjab Restaurant of Neil Street, London who have given a lot to charities. They have supported the Vaisakhi event almost every year.
On leaving guests were given a carrier bag with sweets provided by Sri Guru Singh Sabha, Southall.
This event was attended by nearly 35 Members of Parliament. A post event feed back had been positive. British Sikh Consultative Forum hopes to continue to hold Vaisakhi at Westminster with the supporting sponsorship of Rt Hon Pat McFadden MP and the Speaker.