Who we are

Conceived in 2001 and formed in 2002

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The British Sikh Consultative Forum (BSCF) is a national consultation body of British Sikhs. It was formed in 2002. BSCF is based on the Sikh principle of Surbsamti, that is collective consensus. BSCF recognises that the sangat is the strength and wisdom of Sikhs guided by the Guru, Guru Granth Sahib. BSCF puts the sangat at the core of all its decisions.

The principle of Surbsamti (consensus) through consultation follows the teachings of the Gurus and as was instituted at Sri Akal Takht Sahib. The BSCF functions under the Supremacy of Sri Akal Takht Sahib at Sri Darbar sahib, Amritsar, India.

The BSCF was formed to engage with United Kingdom Government and other State institutions, respond to policies, laws and consultations. It was also formed with the intention of defining the hopes and issues of the Sikhs in United Kingdom and take them up with relevant bodies to make them possible. British Sikh Consultative Forum set among its aims to engage with other communities, inter faith and to forge cohesion within the Sikh community.

The BSCF does not generally engage on issues outside the United Kingdom unless they have a legal and social bearing on the Sikhs in United Kingdom, for instance EU legislation or UN policies.

Organisations with wider and international interests are free to pursue their aims without any reference to British Sikh Consultative Forum.

Since 2002. BSCF has achieved success in all these fields. The British Sikh Consultative Forum has held a number of consultations across the country involving most of the Gurudwaras and organisations across the country. This has brought Sikhs across the country together in developing consensus on important issues such as policies on schools, wearing of kirpan at airports, checking of turbans at airports etc. The British Sikh Consultative Forum has also engaged with Government consultations such as forced marriages.

BSCF has engaged with MPs on several occasions and held annual Vaisakhi celebration at Parliament. It has held inter faith events and worked together with other communities to promote community cohesion.

The BSCF currently has a Board of Trustees, an Executive Committee, a Council of Gurdwara Managements, a Consultation Network and body of members.

Representing British Sikh Consensus through Consultation, Surbsamti badolat Salaah Mushwara, are the mission of the British Sikh consultative Forum

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