Consultation Mode
Process of Consultation
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The executive meets at least 3 times in a year. Twice in Midlands and once in London. Apart from these 3 meetings, the executive may meet as and when a series of decisions are needed. Members are invited to the 3 executive meetings. They are open meetings. Policy positions are developed by consultations with members.
Consultations take place in at least 6 regions. These are:
- \West London
- \East London/Kent
- \West Midlands
- \East Midlands
- \Yorkshire and Manchester
- \Wales
A specific issue is discussed and opinions taken from around the country.
The consensus of opinions is circulated and finally the position is conveyed to the Government. Meetings take place with the Government on these issues to try and influence policy to take on board Sikh perspectives.

Modes of Consultations
- Face to face in a gathering of the sangat and Gurdwaras committees
- Phone Calls on shorter issues with Gurdwara and Organisations representatives
- Email consultations
- Web based consultations
The results of the consultation are analysd and represented to the Government in any discussion. BSCF does not work on majority/minority based but on the principle that every view needs to be represented
BSCF experience is that in open held consultations, most people come to a common view
BSCF emphasizes consultation, consultation consultation. That is why the word consultation is in the organisation’s name
This is consistent with the teachings of the gurus who put faith in the sangat’s collective view.