Executive Committee


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The BSCF has a Board of Trustees, an Executive Committee, a Council of Gurdwara Management Committees, a Consultation Network and body of members.

The Executive runs the policies developed after consensus consultations with general network members.

The current constitution of its bodies are


Chairperson Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh ji
Dr Jasdev Singh Rai
Dr Sadhu Singh




Dr Sadhu Singh

Assistant Director North

Ranbir Singh

General Secretary

Dr Jasdev Singh Rai

Secretary Sikh organisations

Jasvinder Singh Nagra

Secretary Gurdwaras

Balbinder Singh Chiheru

Secretary Youth liaison

Simran Singh

Secretary Events

Sukhbir Singh

Secretary web and communications

Pawinder Singh Sabharwal

Chairman of Council of Gurdwara Management Committees ( a new national body)

As a rule BSCF does not permit any directly or indirect serving civil servant or British politician to be part of its Trustees or Executive to avoid conflict of interest.

As a rule BSCF maintains that anyone who has left the civil service or retired from it can be an advisor but only join the executive 3 years after leaving the civil service to avoid conflict of interest.

Bhai Sahib Bhai Mohinder Singh ji Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak jatha ( an international organisations with headquarters in Birmingham. Also manages several Schools in Uk based on Sikh faith Ethos
Dr Sadhu Singh Nanaksar Thath Isher Darbar, Wolverhampton also Guru Nanak Sikh School Hayes
Ranbir Singh: Guru Gobind Singh Gurdwara, Bradford and Chairperson Bradford council of Sikh Gurdwaras
Dr Jasdev Singh Rai; Director Sikh Human Rights Group an international organisation with consultative status at United Nations
Balbinder Singh Chiheru: Gurdwara Tividale and Dam Dami Taksal
Jasvinder Singh Nagra: Coordinator Beds and Hertfordshire Gurdwaras
Simran Singh: Sikh Links ( a network organisation of Sikh youth)
Sukhbir Singh: Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha

There is no formal requirement. Any Gurdwara or organisation and individual can join in the consultation. BSCF works as a national consultancy body among Sikhs and liaises with State institutions, Government and other faith bodies based on outcomes of consultations. Gurdwaras are given preeminent voice in the consultations.

The organisation has a network of the leading 80 Gurdwaras and about 15 organisations that are contacted. Some time many more attend. Some consultations are held regionally with at least 6 centres chosen around the country. These are face to face with Gurdwaras and organisations taking the lead. The consensus of opinion is presented to all and then given to relevant State body.

Membership is by invitation and open to Gurdwaras as well as Sikh organisations. Any Gurdwara or organisation can express an interest to be a member and take responsibility for any of the BSCF functions.


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Bhai Sahib, Bhai (Dr) Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia OBE KSG

Bhai Sahib, Bhai (Dr) Mohinder Singh Ahluwalia OBE KSG

Spiritual Leader / Chairperson - Guru Nanak Nishkam Sewak Jatha & Nishkam Group of Organisations

Dr Sadhu Singh Ph.D Electronic Engineering MBE

Dr Sadhu Singh Ph.D Electronic Engineering MBE

Director of the British Sikh Consultative Forum Executive

Dr Jasdev Singh Rai, MBChB (Lvpool).  MA politics (SOAS)

Dr Jasdev Singh Rai, MBChB (Lvpool). MA politics (SOAS)

General Secretary British Sikh Consultative Forum

Ranbir Singh Rai

Ranbir Singh Rai

Assistant Director British Sikh Consultative Forum

Pawinder Singh Sabharwal

Pawinder Singh Sabharwal

Vice Chairperson

Balbinder Singh Chiheru

Balbinder Singh Chiheru


Sukhbir Singh (B.Sc Hon) Electronics

Sukhbir Singh (B.Sc Hon) Electronics

Membership Secretary British Sikh Consultative Forum

Jasvinder Singh Nagra  B.Sc Mathematics and Physics

Jasvinder Singh Nagra B.Sc Mathematics and Physics

PR Secretary to the British Sikh Consultative Forum www.bscf.org interface to liaise with the Home Office